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ChaosVPN:Tims NetBSD chaosvpn rc.d
should probably change this to send signals instead of kill -9 hehe
#!/bin/sh # # $NetBSD: chaosvpn # # PROVIDE: chaosvpn # REQUIRE: inetd network LOGIN $_rc_subr_loaded . /etc/rc.subr name="chaosvpn" start_cmd="chaosvpn_start" stop_cmd="chaosvpn_stop" chaosvpn_start(){ /usr/local/sbin/chaosvpn -d sleep 10 /usr/local/etc/tinc/chaos/tinc-up #add logic in here later to check if its actually up #for now just assume it worked, lol echo "chaosvpn up..." } chaosvpn_stop(){ echo "Killing ChaosVPN..." ps -aux | awk '/chaosvpn -d/ && !/awk/ {print $2}' | xargs -r kill -9 sleep 2 # once again, let things die... echo "Killing tincd..." ps -aux | awk '/tincd/ && !/awk/ {print $2}' | xargs -r kill -9 #add logic in here later to check if its actually down echo "chaosvpn down..." } run_rc_command "$1" # eof