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Audio Video Setup

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+--------+        +--------------+        +--------+
| Server |--HDMI->| HDMI Grabber |--HDMI->| Beamer |
+--------+        +--------------+        +--------+
                        / \
      Cinch Links (Weiß)   Cinch Rechts (Rot)
                       |   |
                       V   V
      |           | Kanal 9/10 |             |
      |           +------------+             |
      |                                      |
      |              Mischpult               |
      |                                      |
      |         +---+----------+---+         |
      |         | L | Main Out | R |         |
                  |              |
                 XLR            XLR
                  |              |
                  V              V
               | B IN |       | A IN |
               |------+       +------|
               |      Subwoofer      |
               |-------+     +-------|
               | B OUT |     | A OUT |
                  |              |
                 XLR            XLR
                  |              |
                  V              V
             +--------+      +--------+
             | Box    |      | Box    |
             | hinten |      | hinten |
             | links  |      | rechts |
             +--------+      +--------+
                  |              |
                 XLR            XLR
                  |              |
                  V              V
             +--------+      +--------+
             | Box    |      | Box    |
             | vorne  |      | vorne  |
             | links  |      | rechts |
             +--------+      +--------+
