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Termin:Let's talk about AngularJS

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Start 2014/07/24 07:00:00 PM
Ende 2014/07/24 10:00:00 PM
Titel Let's talk about AngularJS
URL http://www.meetup.com/Hamburg-AngularJS-Meetup/events/193495902
Veröffentlicht true

AngularJS is a modern framework made by Google for building Single Page Applications in the browser.

This meetup aims to provide a regular place and time to get together, learn and discuss everything AngularJS-related.

This meetup still needs a location, please let me know if you have a nice space with a projector where this could happen.

Please also let me, the organizer, know if you have anything Angular-related that you could present. It could be anything from 5 minutes to an hour or so.