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How to install on OS X, as done on 10.9 (Mavericks)

Install tinc and tuntap via homebrew

brew install tinc tuntap

Download and install chaosvpn from git

git clone git://github.com/ryd/chaosvpn.git
cd chaosvpn
sudo make appleinstall

Configure chaosvpn, which works mostly as described in the General Howto

Note that the command to generate the keys is slightly different:

tinc --net=chaos --generate-keys=2048

You should now register with the chaosvpn team.

The configuration file for chaosvpn is located in /usr/local/etc/tinc and may be edited by

sudo nano /usr/local/etc/tinc/chaosvpn.conf

You've got to change $my_peerid and $my_vpn_ip.

To run it, you can try

sudo ./chaosvpn

Or create a LaunchAgent.