Dieses Wiki ist ein Archiv bis 2023. Das aktuelle Wiki findet sich unter https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/
ChaosVPN geekend 14 / 15 December
Location: dezentral.
Participating locations and users:
- Hamburg
- mc.fly
- andre a t hamburg.freifunk.net
- Edmonton
- Nuernberg
== interested
- chaos siegen
- lars fischer
- A-KO / Hunterkll
- openfly
- ansi
We plan to set up some video webcam and work on services, talks and more. Also clean up the wiki before 30c3.
- openfly:
- bringing back us proxy
- chaostreff siegen
- joining chaosvpn
- Tim
- monitoring
- A-KO/Hunterkll
- tornow
- a git server
- a pastebin
- collaborative editing, e.g: sobby or infinoted
- woof, "Woof (Web Offer One File) is a tool to copy files among hosts"
- owncloud
- scuttle or semantic scuttle (or similar services) for social bookmarking.
- mediagoblin or a different way to share photos or videos (or music)