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HowTo on Netbsd 5.2

ChaosVPN:NetBSD 5.2 Howto

Install software

The following is written assuming a fresh install of NetBSD 5.2 using the GENERIC kernel, with a pkgsrc repository and networking already configured.

Install necessary programs from pkgsrc

# pkg_add  tinc  (will add lzo as a dependancy) 
# pkg_add  zlib
# pkg_add  bison (will install m4 as a dependancy)
# pkg_add  flex
# pkg_add  openssl

we will also need to install git. Installing git from pkgsrc brings in a long list of other packages (mostly related to Perl) which I list below.

# pkg_add  scmgit

adds the following packages as dependancies:

scmgit-base scmgit-docs tcl tk scmgit-gitk perl-5 p5-Error p5-MIME-Base64 p5-TimeDate p5-MailTools p5-Digest-SHA p5-Digest-MD5 p5-Digest-HMAC p5-Net-IP p5-Sockets p5-Net-DNS p5-IO-Socket-INET6 p5-Email-Valid p5-Net-LibIDN p5-Net-SSLeay p5-IO-Socket-SSL p5-Net-SMTP p5-GSSAPI p5-Authen-SASL libffi python27 curl


Create config directory

# mkdir -p /etc/tinc/chaos

Install our ChaosVPN software

Compile for yourself from our git repository

Always needed to compile:

# git clone git://github.com/ryd/chaosvpn.git
# cd chaosvpn

way 1: create a git snapshot debian package

# make deb
 perhaps it throws an error about missing build dependencies, install these and retry.
# sudo dpkg -i ../chaosvpn_2.0*.deb
 install the generated package file, replace filename above with real name.
 it is also possible to copy the generated .deb package to a different machine of the same
 architecture and install it there - no need to have a full compile environment
 on your router/firewall.

way 2: create debian package and install this

# debuild
 Answer the "This package has a Debian revision number but there does not seem to be
 an appropriate original tar file or .orig directory in the parent directory" with "y"
# sudo dpkg -i ../chaosvpn_2.0*.deb
 install the generated package file, replace filename above with real name.

way 3: just compile and install the raw binary

# make
# sudo make install

Get your new node added to the central configuration

Devise a network-nick and a unique IP range you will be using

This network-nick or sometimes called nodename is the name of the network endpoint/gateway where the vpn software will be running,
not necessarily the name of the user, there may even be more than one gateway per user.

Used below where <nodename> is.

Please use only characters a-z, 0-9 and _ in it. Note that only lowercase letters are supported.

Second please select an unused IPv4 range out of IP Range, and write yourself down in that wiki page to mark your future range as in-use.
Please select from the correct ranges, 172.31.*.* for Europe, and 10.100.*.* for North America and elsewhere.

Repeat: Please do not forget to add yourself to the list at IP Range to mark your range as used.

Used below where <ipv4 subnet in the vpn> is.

The usage of IPv6 networks is also possible, but we do not have a central range for this (yet),
you may specify an IPv6 range you received from your (tunnel) provider to be reachable over the VPN,
or a private IPv6 ULA (Unique Local Address) network described in RFC4193.
For more info about ULA and a network-range generator please also see http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/ula/ .

Used below where <ipv6 subnet in the vpn> is.


The gateway may have a DynDNS (or similar) hostname pointing to a dynamic IP, or a static hostname/fixed IP.

Better supply a hostname than a raw IP address even if it is static, so you can change it youself and do not need to contact us when needed. (Perhaps something like chaosvpn.yourdomain.example)

Used below where <clienthost> is.

Generate keys

Generate keys with tinc 1.1+

# tinc --net=chaos init <nodename>

Replace <nodename> with the name your new node should get.

**FIXME** need some way that "tinc init" puts the public key into the seperate files and not only into the generated hosts file, which our chaosvpn daemon overwrites.

generate public/private RSA and ECDSA keypairs with

# tinc --net=chaos generate-keys 2048

press Enter 4 times and backup the files /etc/tinc/chaos/ecdsa_key.priv, ecdsa_key.pub, rsa_key.priv and rsa_key.pub on an external device.

Generate keys with tinc 1.0.xx

create chaos config folder with

# mkdir /etc/tinc/chaos/

generate public/private keypairs with

# tincd --net=chaos --generate-keys=2048

press Enter 2 times and backup the files /etc/tinc/chaos/rsa_key.priv and rsa_key.pub on an external device.

Mail us your Infos

  • send via email to chaosvpn-join@hamburg.ccc.de

We need the following info - but please be so kind and also add a short description of you/your space and your motivation to join chaosvpn - or at least make us laugh. :)

(Please remove all lines starting with # from the email, they are just descriptions)


# Name a person/nickname/nodename or organisation/hackerspace already on ChaosVPN that will
# vouch for you getting access.

# This should be the external hostname or ip address of the client host, not a VPN address.
# If the client is not reachable over the internet leave it out and set hidden=1 below.
# If possible supply a hostname (even dyndns) and not an ip address for easier changing
# from your side without touching the central config.

network=<ipv4 subnet in the vpn>
network6=<ipv6 subnet in the vpn>
# (mandatory, must include)
# this may be more than one, IPv4 or IPv6, network6 with  IPv6 is optional
# These subnets must be unique in our vpn,
# simply renumber your home network (or use something like NETMAP) with a network block that is still free.
# Please use the list of assigned networks on ChaosVPN:IPRanges, and add yourself there.

# (mandatory, must include)
# Admin of the VPN gateway, with email address - a way to contact the responsible
# person in case of problems with your network link.

# (optional)
# if not specified tinc works on tcp+udp port 655
# it is better if everyone chooses a random port for this.
# either this specified port or port 655 should accept TCP and UDP traffic from internet.

# (optional)
# "I cannot accept inbound tunnel connections, I can only connect out."
# (e.g. behind a NAT)
# (optional)
# "I cannot connect out, but you can connect to me."
# Only ONE of hidden=1 or silent=1 is possible. 

# (optional)
# tinc 1.1pre11+ only, contents of your /etc/tinc/chaos/ed25519_key.pub

# (mandatory)
# rsa-public-key - contents of your /etc/tinc/chaos/rsa_key.pub

Awaiting Response, give us some days, your request is processed manually

Retry until $success or $reject - but do not spam us.

Customize configfile

edit the chaosvpn.conf in /etc/tinc/

$my_peerid = <nodename>

$my_vpn_ip = 172.31.<your Subnet>.[1-255]

Enable Starting of ChaosVPN

If you installed ChaosVPN through our Debian packages it is not started by default.

To enable this edit the file /etc/default/chaosvpn and change the RUN= line to RUN="yes"

After all changes (re-)start the chaosvpn client:

# /etc/init.d/chaosvpn start

If you made everything correct there should now be a tinc daemon running, and the output of 'route -n' should show lots of routes pointing to the new 'chaos_vpn' network interface.

On other systems you have to take a look at our debian/init.d example script and adapt it for your environment.

script in /etc/ppp/ip-up to autostart, or to restart from time to time via cron

if you built a debian package and installed it the cron and ip-up parts are already setup, if you installed it manually with make install you have to do it yourself.

and with luck, it will function beautifully! ;)

todo: tons ;) test in particular, and adjust docs for other linux distros, and perhaps even with *bsd