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This is Howto for setting up an independent Box providing you with ChaosVPN

In five steps. Really.

0. Fulfil Requirements

1. Get Started

  • Open your Router and power on
  • Connect wired or wireless (use information provided with your router)
  • Go directly to your routers Webinterface ( or and search for sth like System -> Firmware Upgrade
  • (There is no need to change any of the configuration)

2. Install OpenWRT

3. Start and Setup OpenWRT

  • Reconnect Network between PC <-> Router
  • telnet
  • passwd #set a root password 
  • Go to Webinterface at
  • Connect the yellow port on your router to current infrastructure
  • Go to Network -> Interfaces and activate WAN Connection with DHCP or your custom internet configuration
  • Navigate to System -> Software and press Update Lists
  • Press Available Software tab and select C
  • Search for ChaosVPN and press install

(I did also install screen at this point)

4. Prepare for launch

  • ssh root@ # telnet won't work anymore
  • edit the top part of
  • /etc/tinc/chaosvpn.conf
$my_peerid = <nodename>
$my_vpn_ip = 172.31.<your Subnet>.[1-255]
  • Copy over your keys to OpenWRT Box
# scp /etc/tinc/chaos/rsa_key.p* root@
# rm /etc/tinc/chaos/rsa_key.p*

5. Lift off

  • start chaosvpn
  • /etc/init.de/chaosvpn start

...be prepared for 150 new route entries

... to be continued