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ChaosVPN 1.0


At the moment the Hamburg ccc Erfa uses TINC together with some dirty perl-scripts, which are used to sread the routes and peers.

For this Setup we have howtos for Debian and Gentoo (in german).

Beginninig in 2003

(haegar:) For me the whole setup with Openvpn was to complicated. It would take some time till its done and the scaling problems were forseable.

Therefore i took time today to get a working mini-solution with tinc running real quick.

The bigger issues with ip-submission and database are able to be added later without any big effort.

Most importand design goals were:

  • data traffic between participants must not rely on the ccc infrastructure.
  • failure of any parts of the infrastructure must not shut down the network completely
  • no work needed for participants just because a new participant is joining or a old one quitting.

system requirements

  • linux only first
    • tinc is availible for nearly all unix variants and windows, but my perl script is only working on linux so far.
  • perl with LWP and https support
  • working dyndns hostname that conains the actual router-ip or static ip

Update Today (2006) i would implement things different than i did before, but when this happens is completely up in the stars. Until there is a better setup we will use the old setup.

ChaosVPN 2.0

The Rebuild of the ChaosVPN became nessesary at some point, as the vermittlung is blackholed.

We are working on a redesign.

Updated (Backported) tinc 1.0.10 packages for are available at: