Dieses Wiki ist ein Archiv bis 2023. Das aktuelle Wiki findet sich unter https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/
Night of work
night of work
The night of work is a concept invented by carton of Hacker Halfway House, Brooklyn, NY. It has been very successful there.
Main Idea
The Night of work is - the name says it all - a night of work.
That means its the night and its work. Just work. No talking.
If you want to talk about a topic get it on the topic list of the wiki of that night.
good topics
A good topic is a topic that actually can get some real big progress over the night. For example i can see there:
- build on LED Light xyz
- improve the channelbot
- write on the BBS software
- work on the village for HAR
bad topics
Bad topics are - in my eye - things that hardly get a noteable progress over the night - if at all.
Examples are:
- god and the universe
- live, universe and all the rest
- improving linux kernel
- improving KDE
I recommend Friday. Its weekend but taking that day wont ruin the whole weekend.