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Name HomieRF
Owner(s) jalmeroth
Contact jalmeroth on hackint
Since 2017-09-07
Components Komponenten
Repository https://gitlab.hamburg.ccc.de/jalmeroth/HomieRF
Documentation read this page
  • Everyone
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HomieRF is a ESP8266 project running Homie 2.0. The aim of this project is to provide a universal service that is able to send/receive RF signals and to push status updates via MQTT. The rc-switch library is used to issue RF signals.


  • Wemos D1 mini
  • USB-Netzteil
  • RF Receiver
  • RF Sender
  • Jumper Wires
  • Breadboard

Devices / Codes

Device Code Action Code (alternativ)
Boxen (Tafel) 1361 An switchOn(11111, 10000)
Boxen (Tafel) 1364 Aus switchOff(11111, 10000)
Boxen (Hinten) 4433 An switchOn(11111, 01000)
Boxen (Hinten) 4436 Aus switchOff(11111, 01000)
Sub-Woofer (?) 5201 An switchOn(11111, 00100)
Sub-Woofer (?) 5204 Aus switchOff(11111, 00100)
Leinwand 8269730 Rauf
Leinwand 8269732 Runter
Leinwand 8269736 Stopp

