Dieses Wiki ist ein Archiv bis 2023. Das aktuelle Wiki findet sich unter https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/


From CCCHHWiki
Revision as of 15:36, 31 March 2017 by H01ger (talk | contribs) (more on accessibility)
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The Chaos Computer Club Hamburg hackerspace is located in Hamburg in Altona-Nord.

These English pages are mostly ment to help people getting there, most of the information will continue to stay available only in German for now… (it's work to maintain a wiki and it's more work to maintain it in two languages. Currently most visitors do speak German, so…)

TODO: as you can see, even this page is not yet fully translated…

The building

The building is part of the former Viktoria-Kaserne, which is a massive red-brick building from the early 19th century.

Today the building is used by the "fux co-cop" and is a diverse melting pot for creative people, artists, makers and more.


Our room is located in the first floor but there is a working elevator somewhere the building, which currently (spring 2017) is under heavy construction work… we hope that this situation improves as construction work progresses.

We sadly don't have accessible sanitary rooms.

Getting here

Public transport

Getting here by public transport is easy. Please use HVV.de to query for connections and schedules, and use this link with destination „Hamburg, Zeiseweg 9“.

There are two relevant stations:

from the airport (and main station)

  • from the airport, take the S-Bahn (subway)
    • if the subway is S 11, be happy and get out at Holstenstraße (see above)
    • if the subway is S 1, get out at main station (Hauptbahnhof) and change to S 11, 21 or 31 on the same plattform, just the opposite track

Car / (Motor)bike

Carsharing: Car2Go DriveNow weitere Carsharer

Bicycles for rent: StadtRAD 30min for free nexbike günstig weitere

There's some parking space in the streets around…

Building map

Short summary how to get to us, basically follow the "CCCHH"-signs in the building:

  • enter through the wide doors at Zeisenweg 9
  • climb 13 steps, go straight through the next door
  • then, go up the stairs on the left, up one floor
  • there, in first floor, turn right through the glassdoor
  • go 10m through the corridor, which is decorated with painted hardware on the walls
  • on the left side, you'll see a door with many nerdy+geeky stickers
  • enter room 1.19 and happy hacking!

Door status

Whether the door is open or not is shown by dooris. Usually an open door means someone is at the venue.

The door status is also shown in /topic in the #ccchh channel on irc.hackint.eu. Please note that #ccchh requires an SSL connection to the IRC network.