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Revision as of 19:16, 9 October 2016 by VITAS (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Termin |date=2016/10/13 00:19:00 PM |enddate=2016/10/13 00:21:00 PM |title=Quartiersverstreffen |visible=true }}")
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Start 2016/10/13 00:19:00 PM"2016/10/13 00:19:00 PM" contains "0" as hour element that is invalid for a 12-hour convention.
Ende 2016/10/13 00:21:00 PM"2016/10/13 00:21:00 PM" contains "0" as hour element that is invalid for a 12-hour convention.
Titel Quartiersverstreffen
Veröffentlicht true