Dieses Wiki ist ein Archiv bis 2023. Das aktuelle Wiki findet sich unter https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/
we need a better way to be able to find what is available on chaosvpn.
maybe something like a yacy indexer would be usefull for chaosvpn
-- Onthefly (talk)
I think Yacy would be a great addition, and a proper decentralized method for creating a search engine of cvpn.
-- Othtim
web page
- check wiki pages and HowTos
- example configs with common network configs, especially for non-linux setups
- example: simple setup, everything firewalled
- more complicated setup based on the ip choosen
- evern more complicated setup with vlans and multiple ssid for wlan (reacheable / not reacheable)
- setup with complicated vlans.