Dieses Wiki ist ein Archiv bis 2023. Das aktuelle Wiki findet sich unter https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/
Revision as of 17:14, 9 March 2005 by MattisManzel (talk | contribs)
Welcome. This is the chaos-computer-club-Hamburg-wiki for the CCC Hamburg in Germany. The working languages here are German and English.
starting points:
wiki-nodes of our neighbors:
- chaosdorf-wiki:wiki-node, CCC Düsseldorf
- C4-wiki: wiki-node, CCC Köln
- s23-wiki: wiki-node, disorganized geek contents
- 21C3-wiki:wiki-node, 21. CCC-congress
- cccac-wiki: wiki-node, CCC Aachen
- entropia-wiki: wiki-node, CCC Karlsruhe
- cccs-wiki: wiki-node, CCC Stuttgart
the chaos-computer-club-Hamburg-wiki on node-wikis:
- non so far
collaborative editing: